2024-02-04 14:19  浏览:27


  1. 包装一下好吗?

    Can you wrap it?

  2. 你能把这个单独放在一个袋子里吗?

    Could you put this in a separate bag?

  3. 要精美包装吗?

    Do you want fancy wrapping on it?

  4. 请给我打上丝带。

    Please wrap it with a ribbon.

  5. 麻烦你包装紧一点好吗?

    May I trouble you to wrap it tight?

  6. 礼品包装要收费吗?

    Is there a charge for gift-wrapping?

  7. 你们送货上门吗?

    Do you deliver?

  8. 请问你们送货是免费的吗?

    Is your delivery free of charge?

  9. 送货费用是多少?

    What are your delivery charges?

  10. 你们送货范围有多大?

    How  far do you prefer?

  11. 运送途中的破损由谁来负责?

    Who is responsible for the damage during the delivery?


  1. 保修期多长时间?

    How long is the warranty period?

  2. 我要求换一个。I demand to exchange it.

  3. 我想退这件毛衣。

    I'd like a refund on this sweater.

  4. 我想退这件衬衣。

    I want to return this blouse and get my money back.

  5. 可以退款吗?Can I have refund?

  6. 如果没有损坏,则可以退款。

    It can be fefunded if there's nothing wrong with it.

  7. 我发现这里有一个污点。

    I found a stain here.

  8. 我妻子洗的时候褪色了。

    When my wife washed washed it, the color faded.

  9. 衣服上有个扯破的地方。

    There is a tear in the fabric.

  10. 这里有损伤。There is damage here.

  11. 它根本就不能运转/工作。

    It doesn't work at all.

  12. 你们打算怎么解决这个小问题?

    How do you intend to fix this little problem?
