海辰储能精彩亮相美国清洁能源展览会CLEANPOWER 2023
2023-05-26 23:33 浏览:62
小满刚过,正值初夏好时节,海辰储能整装再出发,继续“走出去”步伐,与全球客户相聚美国新奥尔良。5月22-25日,2023年美国国际清洁能源展览会(ACP CLEANPOWER)在新奥尔良举行,海辰储能携创新储能产品首次亮相该展会。
美国国际清洁能源展览会是由美国风能协会主办的年度活动。作为世界知名的年度清洁能源会议与展览会,今年依旧汇聚了行业前沿资讯和最新研发成果,吸引了众多行业参与者和专业观众。受政策驱动和市场需求影响,美国储能市场加速增长。根据美国清洁能源协会(ACP)与 Wood Mackenzie联合发布的最新一期美国储能监测报告。2022年,美国新增储能装机4.8GW/12.2GWh,预计2023-2027年美国新增储能装机规模将达74.2GW/241GWh。基于专业化、定制化的产品布局,海辰储能在ACP展会上向全球展示了一系列创新储能产品,例如300Ah电力储能专用电池和大圆柱户用储能专用电池,以及液冷储能户外柜和集装箱式液冷储能系统。这些产品方案吸引了众多宾客的关注和认可。储能电池是储能系统的关键器件,安全性和可靠性是关键。海辰储能聚焦储能电池的本征安全,同时关注产品寿命的提升。300Ah电力储能专用电池作为海辰储能的明星系列产品之一,具有高安全、高可靠性,通过技术创新,实现前1000cls“零”衰减*(*容量/能量衰减率≤2%),循环寿命12000次;该产品通过循环寿命的提升,实现全生命周期的产品降本,可为客户带来显著收益,缩短储能项目回本周期。海辰储能海外销售副总、美国总经理张觅智表示:“基于专业储能电池平台的核心能力,我们专注于通过高质量的储能系统降低平准化的存储成本,同时提高耐用性和安全性,我们完全有能力满足美国当地的需求。”为更好地适应美国市场的本土需求,进一步提升服务效率,海辰储能目前已在美国费利蒙设立子公司,并将在其他地区加快网点布局。同时,海辰储能积极与当地领先的集成商客户建立紧密合作关系,共同推进全球绿色能源可持续发展。借此展会,海辰储能与全球合作伙伴、当地客户近距离沟通交流,共同探讨,挖掘当地市场新机;同时也充分展现海辰储能的技术实力和品牌形象。未来,海辰储能将持续以客户为中心,坚持立足国内,放眼海外的全球化发展布局,加快研发技术创新,紧密携手合作伙伴,为当地及全球客户提供更具价值的储能产品与服务,护航客户能源安全,助力全球碳中和。海辰储能全球展会
Intersolar Europe 2023
HiTHIUM has introduced a new 4 MWh liquid-cooled BESS container with its latest 300Ah cell technology at CLEANPOWER in New Orleans. The product features slower degradation and an extended lifespan, over 10% longer than a typical 280 Ah-based system. “With our focus on bringing down the levelized cost of storage with high quality BESS, together with increased durability and safety, we’re well positioned to meet local demand in the U.S.,” explained Mizhi Zhang, HiTHIUM VP Overseas Marketing and Sales. “The new 300Ah cell-based container features less than 2% degradation in the first 1000 cycles at the cell level. So it will substantially improve capacity usage and hence improve the investment rate of return in the initial three years of use. It’s a perfect demonstration of our goal to become a technology leader in the energy storage industry.” As one of the largest global battery producers to focus solely on BESS, HiTHIUM has focused on innovations in safety, achieving “0” loss in the initial 1000 cycles (Capacity/Energy fading ≤2% ), and extending battery lifespan to 12,000 cycles. The company has also driven the cost down for its high-quality products, in part by making significant investments in its manufacturing to build one of the most advanced battery cell production lines in the world. HiTHIUM has more than a thousand engineers working on research and development across its four distinct research institutes.HiTHIUM Energy Storage Global Exhibition- American Clean Power ended Successful! Next stop - The smarter E Europe 2023 on June 14th-16th, we look forward to meeting you in Munich, Germany!