会议地点: 北京友谊宾馆(北京市海淀区中关村南大街1号)
Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens(University College London)
报告题目:Sample intensification with droplet microfluidics
Marc-Olivier Coppens is Ramsay Memorial Professor in Chemical Engineering at University College London, UCL, since 2012, after professorships at Rensselaer (USA) and TU Delft (Netherlands). He is also Vice-Dean for UCL Engineering (Interdisciplinarity, Innovation) since 2021, after serving as Head of Department of Chemical Engineering for 8 years. He directs the Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering (UCL CNIE), founded through an EPSRC “Frontier Engineering” Award in 2013. He received his MSc (1993) and PhD (1996) in Chemical Engineering from Ghent University (Belgium) and was a research fellow in Mathematics at Yale (1996) and in Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley (USA, 1997-8), also visiting the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanxi (ICC) in 1996. He is recognised for pioneering nature-inspired chemical engineering (NICE) over the past 25 years and developing a systematic nature-inspired solution methodology to accelerate innovation for sustainable development. He is Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Corresponding Member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Germany, Qiushi Professor at Zhejiang University in China, and Scientific Council Member for IFP Energies nouvelles in France. He serves on advisory and editorial boards, including Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification.
Prof. David A. Weitz(Harvard University)
Nature-inspired process intensification: A NICE approach to accelerate innovation for sustainable development
David A. Weitz has served as a professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Harvard University since 1999, director of the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at Harvard University since 2001, co-director of the BASF Advanced Research Initiative since 2001, and a professor in Department of System Biology at Harvard University since 2006. He is a member of the American Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Prof. Weitz is a well-known expert in the fields of soft functional materials, colloids, biophysics, biological materials, microfluidics, digital PCR and so on. His research has a huge impact on the international academic society. So far, Prof. Weitz has published more than 800 high-level peer-reviewed papers, including around 30 papers in Science, Nature, Cell, and Nature Biotechnology. His work has been cited more than 60000 times with an h-index of 167 and he has been invited to present over 500 academic talks all over the world. Prof Weitz has been authorized more than 60 patents and has started up 12 new high-tech companies. Additionally, he serves on the editorial boards of Lab on Chip, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Bio-X Research, and Editor-in-Associate of PNAS.
Prof. Sohrab Rohani(Western University)
Process Intensification: machine learning to predict the formation of pharmaceutical cocrystals
Dr. Rohani is the past Chair of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department at the University of Western Ontario. He obtained his B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Pahlavi (Shiraz) University and his Ph.D. from the University of Wales in Process Control. He spent two years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich before joining the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Saskatchewan in 1982. He has spent sabbatical leaves at the University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England; ETH (Switzerland); the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC), Nancy, France; and ApotexPharmaChem Inc. (Canada). He has been the recipient of Engineering Medal in Research and Development from the Professional Engineers, Ontario, in 2008 and Western Faculty of Engineering Award for Excellence in Research in 2009.
Prof. Costas Pantelides(Siemens)
Model-based intensification of process operations
Current positions :Chief Technology Officer, Siemens DI PA SW
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Sargent Centre for Process
Systems Engineering, Imperial College London
BSc. (Eng) Imperial College London
MS Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PhD Imperial College London
Scientific interests :
Architecture & design of process modelling technology;Symbolic & numerical solution methods for large-scale simulation & optimization;Unified frameworks for planning & scheduling;Ab initio prediction of crystal structure
Distinctions & awards (selected) :
Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering
The MacRobert Award, The Royal Academy of Engineering
CAST Computing Practice Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Doctor Honoris Causa, Technical University Dortmund
The Sargent Medal, The Institution of Chemical Engineers
The President’s Medal for Excellence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London
Fellowship of the Institution of Chemical Engine
Prof. Georgios Stefanidis(National Technical University of Athens)
Opportunities for reaction intensification by using non-equilibrium plasma technology
Prof. Georgios Stefanidis holds an MSc degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Greece) and a PhD degree in the same field from the University of Gent (Belgium). He is currently Director of the Department of Process Analysis and Plant Design at the School of Chemical Engineering at NTUA and head of the Chemical Process Engineering Laboratory (CPEL) at the same University. He has co-authored over 120 peer-review papers in the broad field of Process Intensification, mostly focusing on alternative energy forms and transfer mechanisms (mainly microwaves and plasma), and the first book on the “Fundamentals of Process Intensification” (Wiley VCH, 2019). His research activity includes modeling of simultaneously occurring flow, chemistry and multiscale transport phenomena in electromagnetic and plasma fields as well as design and development of tailored equipment for microwave- and plasma-assisted reaction and separation processes including, among others, CO2, CH4 and waste valorization processes. He is currently the Chairman of the EFCE Working Party on Process Intensification, Executive Editor of the Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification Journal (Elsevier) and serves on the management board of the Association of Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education (AMPERE).
Jian-Feng Chen(Beijing University of Chemical Technology)
Process Intensification for Sustainable and Advanced Chemical Industry Based on High Gravity Technology
陈建峰教授,中国工程院院士,化学工程专家。现任中国工程院党组成员、秘书长,北京化工大学教授、博士生导师。浙江慈溪市人。1986年浙江大学本科毕业,1992年浙江大学获博士学位,1994年浙江大学博士后出站至北京化工大学工作。曾任美国凯斯西储大学客座/兼职教授,新加坡南洋理工大学研究员。提出微观混合反应工程理论,在国际上率先提出并开拓了超重力反应工程新领域,创建了超重力装备平台及反应分离新技术,成功应用于百万吨级高端化学品、高纯电子化学品、纳米材料的制造及环保、海洋工程等流程工业中,节能减排、高品质化效果显著,技术和装备出口欧美等。获国家技术发明二等奖3项(2002,2012,2016)、国家科技进步二等奖1项(2007)、国家级教育成果一等奖1项(2018)。获首届全国创新争先奖、何梁何利创新奖、中国青年科技奖、美国 DOW 化学基金奖、全国优秀教师等多项奖励和荣誉。
Batch to Continuous for Intrinsic Safety
Mass and Heat Transfer Intensification
Catalysts and Intensified Reactions
Multifunctional Reactors and Advanced Separators
Dynamics and Control of Intensified Processes
Novel Process and Equipment Concepts
Energy Activation for Process Intensification (microwave, ultrasound, electric field, magnetic field, etc.)
Microreactors for Process Intensification
HiGee for Process Intensification
Advanced Materials for Process Intensification
3D Printing for Process Intensification
AI for Process Intensification
主席:杨 超教授,邢卫红教授,贺高红教授
PI in Manufacturing of Advanced Materials
PI in Process Reengineering
PI in Solids Processing
PI in Biochemical and Renewable Energy
PI in Molecular Chemical Engineering
Innovation for applications
Industrial Applications