The site's environmental and process
monitoring program forms part of the overall CCS and is used to monitor the
controls designed to minimize the risk of microbial and particle contamination.
It should be noted that the reliability of each of the elements of the
monitoring system (viable, non- viable and APS) when taken in isolation is
limited and should not be considered individually to be an indicator of
asepsis. When considered together, the results help confirm the reliability of
the design, validation and operation of the system that they are monitoring. 场所的环境监测和工艺监测计划构成整体 CCS 的一部分,用于监测旨在最大程度降低微生物和微粒污染风险的控制措施。需要注意的是,监测系统的每个要素(活性粒子,非活性粒子和 APS)的可靠性在单独使用时的可靠性都是有限的,不应单独视为无菌的指标。当综合考虑时,这些结果有助于确认所监测系统的设计、验证和操作的可靠性。
This program is typically comprised of
the following elements:本计划通常包括以下内容:
i. Environmental monitoring - total
particle. 环境监测——总粒子数。
ii. Environmental and personnel monitoring
- viable particle. 环境和人员监测-活性粒子。
iii. Temperature, relative humidity and
other specific characteristics. 温度、相对湿度和其它具体特性。
iv. APS (aseptically manufactured product
only). APS(仅用于无菌生产的产品)。
The information from these systems
should be used for routine batch certification/release and for periodic assessment
during process review or investigation. This applies for both terminal sterilization
and aseptic processes, however, the criticality of the impact may differ
depending upon the product and process type. 来自这些系统的信息应用于日常批次认证/放行以及工艺回顾或调查期间的定期评估。这适用于最终灭菌和无菌工艺,但影响的关键程度可能因产品和工艺类型的不同而不同。