推广 热搜: 采购方式  甲带  滤芯  气动隔膜泵  减速机  履带  减速机型号  带式称重给煤机  链式给煤机  无级变速机 


   日期:2023-04-22 12:48:19     来源:网络整理    作者:本站编辑    浏览:83    评论:0    

作为首都南部门户的大兴机场,是连接世界与这座可持续绿洲城市的国际航空枢纽。在这个全新目的地,有着充满活力的商业场景。为助力北京建设国际交往中心、国际消费中心城市,北京市规划和自然资源委员会与大兴区人民政府联合主办、北京大兴国际机场临空经济区(大兴)管理委员会承办了大兴机场临空区国际会展消费片区城市设计国际方案征集,旨在此高标准规划建设会展中心和消费枢纽。清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司(THAD)庄惟敏院士团队、Aedas创始人及全球首席设计师纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)与执行董事陈川团队、AECOM联合体,历时数月,成功入围并获评三个优胜方案之一。

Located by the arterial road of Beijing, Daxing Airport acts as the southern gateway to China’s Global City and capital. It is the city’s latest destination that embodies vibrant commercial scenes, allows convenient access to Beijing’s sustainable urban oasis and acts as the doorway to other cities around the globe. Jointly designed by Prof. Zhuang Weimin’s team from the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Founder and Global Principal Designer Keith Griffiths and Executive Director Chris Chen from Aedas, and AECOM, our proposal is one of the 3 shortlisted designs for the airport.


With a theme of becoming a ‘Star of the East’, the primary vision of this project is to create a new portal that facilitates international exchanges, promotes the image of the capital and activates future development. The plan aims to mark itself as the south gate of the capital through its six strategies of establishing landmarks, providing interactive green spaces, promoting accessibility and low-carbon sustainability, as well as creating multiple functional spaces through systematic phases of development. Our proposal implements a functional layout and shapes a characteristic space with six scenes, namely the Exhibition Centre, Entertainment Hub, Eco Park, Culture Expo, Art Village and Vibrant Neighbourhood. Integrating the six strategies and our six scenes with comprehensive planning, our project is deemed to astound.






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