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?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

   日期:2025-02-07 23:57:54     来源:网络整理    作者:本站编辑    浏览:0    评论:0    
?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

?展会设计✖宠物展 |橙灰经典创意设计

Hey,薯宝宝,我是喜欢设计故事的设计师小王 --------------------------------------- ?项目名称:惠伦宝宠物展展台设计 Project Name: Whelanko Pet Exhibition Booth Design ?项目类型:展会设计搭建 | 宠物展 Project Type: Exhibition Design and Construction | Pet Exhibition ?展会设计&搭建:卓思会展 创意与乐趣的缔造者 Exhibition Design & Construction: ZHiER Zhizao Bureau, Creators of Creativity and Fun ?创意设计思路 Creative Design Ideas: 1⃣整体结构:提取惠伦宝品牌元素,结合宠物护理产品特性,设计出既现代又温馨的展台结构,统一品牌调性,突出品牌记忆点,品牌性强,创意且用心。 Overall Structure: Extracting Whelanko's brand elements and combining them with the characteristics of pet care products, the booth structure is designed to be modern and warm, unifying the brand tone and highlighting the brand memory points, strong brand identity, creative and thoughtful. 2⃣色彩运用:以惠伦宝品牌色为主色调,结合宠物展的活泼氛围,使用明亮的色彩,宣传推广品牌新品; Color Application: Using Whelanko's brand colors as the main theme, combined with the lively atmosphere of the pet exhibition, bright colors are used to promote new products; 3⃣材质选择:使用透光性材质,如亚克力和阳光板,增加展位的通透感和明亮度,营造舒适、开放的参观环境。 Material Selection: Translucent materials such as acrylic and sun panels are used to increase the transparency and brightness of the booth, creating a comfortable and open visiting environment. --------------------------------------- 合作欢迎 展台设计|展厅设计|店铺设计|发布会设计|制作搭建#记录吧就现在 #展台设计 #展会设计 #展台搭建 #展会设计搭建 #展会 #展览设计搭建 #展览展会搭建 #卓思会展 #展厅设计

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