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   日期:2023-07-29 21:47:36     来源:网络整理    作者:本站编辑    浏览:23    评论:0    






CarePredict是一家可穿戴设备开发商,主要是应用于辅助记忆保健、独立生活服务以及整体的家庭护理服务等领域。近日宣布获得由Aspire Healthtech Partners和SV Health Investors的Medtech Convergence Fund共同牵头的2900万美元A-3轮投资。现有投资者Las Olas Venture Capital和Secocha Ventures以及个人投资者参与了本轮融资。


TolerogenixX是一家个性化细胞疗法及药物研发商,其研发的的MIC-Lx细胞疗法是一种治愈性细胞疗法,可诱导移植接受者的供者特异性免疫耐受,对自身免疫性疾病患者也具有潜在的应用价值。近日宣布已在A轮融资中追增700万欧元融资,目前融资总额为1160万欧元。这轮融资的新投资者是医疗保健专家Dietrich Bruchmann博士的投资公司DB specialty GmbH & Co. KG, Neu Ulm。现有投资者包括Kalodion Fond I、CventureS、Nisus、HTGF、Dr. Dorow、Dr. Fakler以及Biotech Mountains BV。

成立于2016年。近期TolerogenixX GmbH宣布,在肾移植患者的TOL2-IIb期研究中,TolerogenixX GmbH已获得安全委员会的批准,启动该研究的B阶段。该阶段包括患者接受最低限度的免疫抑制药物治疗,减少他克莫司用量,完全停用麦考酚钠肠溶片和甲泼尼龙。目前,该项研究纳入了63组受试者,每组由一个供体和一个移植接受者组成。据悉,该方案已在BMJ Open上发表。此外,该公司正在发布MIC-Lx细胞疗法1期试验的5年随访数据。发表在《免疫学前沿》(Frontiers in Immunology)上的结果表明,移植前使用TolerogenixX GmbH的MIC细胞疗法可提供持久的供者特异性免疫抑制。

TolerogenixX GmbH的MIC-Lx细胞疗法是一种治愈性细胞疗法,可诱导移植接受者的供者特异性免疫耐受,对自身免疫性疾病患者也具有潜在的应用价值。在移植(如肾移植)中,供者的外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs)是通过白细胞分离获得的,然后用该公司专有的MIC技术对供者的PBMCs进行改造,产生的细胞治疗产品MIC-Lx随后在移植前经静脉给药至移植接受者。CEO Matthias Schaier教授。

TolerogenixX GmbH在海德堡大学医院(Heidelberg University Hospital)启动的TOL-1I期试验中,已经报告了10例移植接受者1年和3年的随访结果。在TOL-1临床试验中,肾移植前接受过MIC输入的所有患者术后3年观测数据良好。该公司还报告,这10例接受MIC的患者在5年时仍有良好的临床数据呈现,移植肾功能稳定,无供者特异性人类白细胞抗原抗体或急性排斥反应,无严重机会性感染。与之相比,接受标准免疫抑制治疗的对照组有更高的供者特异性人类白细胞抗原抗体发生率和更多的机会性感染。直到术后5年,MIC患者在体外检测中仍然缺乏抗供者T淋巴细胞反应性,并且仍有高滴度的强效调节性B细胞,而后者对免疫系统的功能至关重要。

Crossbow是一家抗体药物研发商,专注于通过开发模拟T细胞受体(TCR)的抗体,以致力改善癌症患者生活。公司专有的T-Bolt疗法是新一代的免疫疗法,具潜力精确靶向所有癌症抗原,包含之前无法靶向的癌细胞靶标。近期宣布完成了由MPM BioImpact和辉瑞风投领投的8000万美元A轮融资。

Crossbow Therapeutics is a advancing T-Bolt therapies, which are directed with high precision at previously unreachable cancer cell targets. Its development process starts with the identification, validation, and prioritization of the most promising cancer-specific targets. Using proprietary technology, the company then develops TCR-mimetic antibodies with both high affinity and specificity for cancer cells. Crossbow incorporates these TCR-mimetics into off-the-shelf, easy-to-assemble T-cell engagers and other immunotherapies. The resulting products, known as T-Bolt™ molecules (short for “tumor-bolts”), can be adapted to address a broad range of cancers. Crossbow can leverage this innovative approach to potently target the entire universe of cancer proteins.

Crossbow was founded, seeded, and incubated at MPM BioImpact by Patrick Baeuerle, Ph.D.; Todd Foley; and Geraldine Paulus, Ph.D., who has since joined the company as its Vice President of Corporate Development and Operations. The founders assembled an international, collaborative, and passionate team with unmatched experience in inventing and developing next-generation cancer therapies. As Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Briggs Morrison brings over 30 years of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry experience to his position, having previously served in executive roles at Syndax Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Merck. Dmitri Wiederschain, Ph.D., recently joined the company as Chief Scientific Officer after previous leadership roles at Jounce Therapeutics, Sanofi, and Novartis.

Append Medical是一家经导管左心耳 (LAA) 闭合系统研发商,旨在完全关闭经导管左心耳(LAA),通过实现经导管左心耳(LAA) 完全闭合来防止血凝块渗漏,从而降低非瓣膜性心房颤动(AF)患者中风的风险,消除泄漏的同时不留下任何金属植入物或封堵器。近日宣布已完成435万美元A+轮融资。投资者包括第一轮融资的参与者以及新加入的投资者Shoni Health Ventures和ALIVE Israel HealthTech Fund。

Founded in 2018 by Dr. Zachi Berger and based on the idea of Dr. Leonid Sternik from Sheba Medical Center, and led by CEO Mr. Nadav Agian, Append Medical is developing the Appligator™, a device designed to completely close the LAA in a transcatheter procedure without requiring any metal implants.The company intends to use the funds to complete the development of and support the First-in-Human Study of the Appligator™ for the Prevention of Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation Patients.

Camena Bioscience是一家高精度酶基DNA合成技术研发商,Camena Bioscience的gSynth™平台通过解锁基因和加速发掘管线,彻底改变了DNA合成市场。Camena Bioscience近日宣布已完成1000万美元的A轮融资,本轮融资由Mercia Fund Managers领投。

Co-founded by CEO Steve Harvey and CSO Derek Stemple, Camena has developed enzyme-based DNA synthesis technology, which aims to overcome limitations of traditional DNA synthesis methods to accurately produce synthetic DNA. The company has already signed commercial agreements with biotech and pharmaceutical companies and secured a multi-million pound revenue stream.The company intends to use the funds to scale operations and continue development of its DNA synthesis platform, gSynth.


Founded in 2017 by Stefan Anker and Andrew Coats, and led by CEO Robin Bhattacherjee, Actimed Therapeutics is a clinical stage specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of muscle wasting disorders to transform the care of an underserved and vulnerable patient population. The lead area of focus for the company is specifically in cachexia that is a wasting disease that is associated with cancer and other serious chronic illnesses and with significant morbidity and mortality. A significant number of cancer patients suffer from cachexia and it is estimated that cachexia is responsible for up to 20% of all cancer deaths.

The company intends to use the funds to support the development of its pipeline, including S-pindolol benzoate, with preparations under way for a Phase 2b/3 programme (the “IMPACT” programme) targeted at the treatment of cancer cachexia in non-small cell lung cancer and colorectal cancer.

-The end-

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