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   日期:2023-08-19 12:32:08     来源:网络整理    作者:本站编辑    浏览:33    评论:0    

Cement plant crusher lubrication improvement, bearing temperature drop 3-4 ℃, U.LUBE high load bearing grease

水泥厂双转子破碎机 Cement plant double rotor crusher


Crusher is a common equipment in cement plant, used for raw material crushing. Lubrication working conditions both high-speed, and heavy load, strong impact, but also by the dust, outdoor moisture color ring, working conditions are harsh. Poor lubrication will seriously affects the equipment running performance, and even eventually affect the normal production.

某水泥厂双转子破碎机目前存在轴承温度较高问题,一直未能解决该问题。经优润(U.LUBE)团队现场调研,该水泥厂破碎机的工况,轴承低速/重载,伴有冲击载荷和粉尘,工作条件较为苛刻,原使用某牌润滑脂由于润滑性能不足,未能有效解决轴承高温问题,影响水泥生产。为了解决轴承高温问题,优润(U.LUBE)团队则推荐使用优润重负载高性能润滑脂ET RP 1000,适用于高负载、高温工况运转、低速、有冲击/振动载荷的机械设备,具有良好的抗水性、抗冲击载荷等润滑性能,能够最大程度地减少破碎机轴承磨损,延长破碎机轴承的使用寿命,解决轴承高温题。

A cement plant double rotor crusher currently has a high bearing temperature problem. After U.LUBE team's on-site research, the working condition of the crusher in this cement plant is harsh with low bearing speed/heavy load, accompanied by impact load and dust. The use of previous lubrication grease has poor lubrication performance, which can not effectively solve the high temperature problem, affecting cement production.


After changing to U.LUBE heavy duty high performance grease, it has been used so far, and the bearing temperature has been reduced by 3-4℃ compared with the previous grease, and the crusher lubrication effect has been highly improved.


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