在第二十届中国-东盟博览会和中国-东盟商务与投资峰会开幕式上的致辞Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the 20th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 中华人民共和国国务院总理 李强H.E. Li Qiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China 2023年9月17日,南宁Nanning, September 17, 2023尊敬的各国领导人,各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Leaders of the ASEAN Countries,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends, 大家上午好!很高兴与大家相聚在美丽的“绿城”南宁,出席第二十届中国-东盟博览会和中国-东盟商务与投资峰会。10天前在雅加达,在座的许多朋友参加了第26次中国-东盟领导人会议,今天,大家又相会在南宁,这充分说明了中国和东盟交流的热度、合作的深度。首先我谨代表中国政府,对本次博览会和峰会的召开表示热烈祝贺,对出席会议的各国领导人和嘉宾表示诚挚欢迎! Good morning! It’s a great pleasure to join you in the beautiful “Green City” Nanning for the 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS). Many present today attended the 26th China-ASEAN Summit in Jakarta ten days ago, and now we are meeting again in Nanning. This speaks volumes about the intensity and depth of the exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN. At the outset, on behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of CAEXPO and CABIS, and a hearty welcome to the leaders and guests attending the event. 中国-东盟博览会和商务与投资峰会已经走过了20年历程,一路见证了双方关系的不断发展。20年前,中国作为对话伙伴国家率先加入《东南亚友好合作条约》,与东盟建立起面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系。10年前,习近平主席在印尼国会发表重要演讲,提出愿同东盟国家共建21世纪海上丝绸之路,携手共建更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体,得到东盟各国积极响应,开启了双方友好合作的新篇章。2年前,在中国-东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念峰会上,习近平主席提出共建和平、安宁、繁荣、美丽、友好“五大家园”,与东盟各国领导人一起擘画了未来合作发展的崭新蓝图。这些年来,我们坚持团结自强,坚定不移走和平发展道路,在变乱交织的世界中牢牢守护了地区的和平与安宁,共同创造了经济腾飞的奇迹,地区经济总量占全球比重从2002年的6.1%上升到去年的21.5%,20多亿人民的生活水平显著提高;我们坚持合作共赢,推动互联互通取得突破性进展,持续推进区域经济一体化和经贸合作,在全球经济乏力的背景下实现了贸易投资逆势攀升,中国与东盟贸易额20年间增长了16.8倍,双方已连续3年互为最大贸易伙伴,累计双向投资总额超过了3800亿美元;我们坚持胸怀天下,共同应对各种全球性挑战,在减贫、应对气候变化、环境保护、能源转型等领域不断打造新的合作亮点。中国-东盟关系已经成为亚太区域合作中最为成功和最具活力的典范,成为推动构建人类命运共同体的生动例证。 Over the course of 20 years, CAEXPO and CABIS have borne witness to the sustained growth of China-ASEAN relations. Twenty years ago, as ASEAN’s dialogue partner, China was the first country to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), and together with ASEAN established a strategic partnership for peace and prosperity. Ten years ago, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Indonesian parliament, during which he proposed that China and ASEAN countries build a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and foster a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future. His proposal received positive response from ASEAN countries and opened a new chapter of friendship and cooperation between the two sides. Two years ago, at the Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations, President Xi Jinping proposed that China and ASEAN build a peaceful, safe and secure, prosperous, beautiful and amicable home, and together with leaders of ASEAN countries, mapped out a new blueprint for the future of China-ASEAN cooperation and development. Over the years, we have upheld unity for strength. Keeping firm to the path of peaceful development, we have preserved regional peace and tranquility in a world fraught with turbulence and change, and jointly created the miracle of economic takeoff. Our combined GDP as a share of the global total surged from 6.1 percent in 2002 to 21.5 percent last year, and our two billion-plus people are significantly better off. We have upheld win-win cooperation, made breakthroughs in connectivity, and steadily advanced regional economic integration and economic and trade cooperation. Trade and investment between the two sides has grown despite a weak global economy. Our trade grew by 16.8 times over the past 20 years, and we have been each other’s largest trading partners for three years running. Two-way cumulative investment has surpassed USD 380 billion. We have upheld the common good of the world, jointly tackled global challenges, and fostered a steady stream of cooperation highlights in poverty reduction, climate action, environmental protection and energy transition. The China-ASEAN relationship has grown into the most successful and vibrant model for cooperation in the Asia-Pacific, and is a vivid illustration of building a community with a shared future for mankind. 抚今追昔,我们理应为取得的成就感到自豪,也深感走过的历程极为不易和艰辛。展望未来,我们既满怀信心和憧憬,也有一些隐忧和焦虑。动荡不安的世界,纷繁复杂的形势,有许多难题和挑战需要我们共同应对。置身当今时代的大背景,面对百年未有之大变局,我们既要审时度势、顺势而为,更要善于把握那千变万化中的“不变”、万象丛生中的“本质”和贯穿事物发展变化始终的“主线”。当下中国与东盟关系的良好局面来之不易,凝结着各方的共同努力。我认为,这当中有其本质的内核和贯穿始终的主线,这就是习近平主席精辟概括的“亲、诚、惠、容”四个字。这四个字既是中国周边外交方针的基本取向,也是睦邻友好的相处之道,更是我们共创美好未来的重要法宝。我们要在践行“亲、诚、惠、容”这四个字上下更大功夫,努力营造有利于发展繁荣、和平安宁的良好环境,并使各国自身的发展更好地惠及周边国家、造福地区人民。 Looking back, we have every reason to be proud of these achievements, and feel keenly about the trials and tribulations along the way. Looking ahead, we are full of confidence and hope, but not without concerns and worries. We, in this turbulent and complex world, are faced with many difficult issues and challenges that require a collective response. Against the backdrop of unprecedented global transformation, we must size up the situation and adapt to the overall trend. More importantly, we need to bear in mind the essential principles that remain constant despite the myriad of changes in the world, and the overarching vision that guides us to where we are today. The sound relations between China and ASEAN we enjoy today are the hard-won result achieved through our years-long concerted efforts. In my view, the essential principle and vision that made this feat possible are the insightful proposition of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness put forth by President Xi Jinping. As a fundamental guideline of China’s neighborhood diplomacy, these four words represent the right approach to build friendly ties with neighbors and hold the key to our shared endeavor for a brighter future. We need to make greater efforts to practice the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, foster an environment conducive to development, prosperity, peace and tranquility, and bring more benefits to neighboring countries and people in the region through our own development. 第一,更好地践行“亲”字,就是要进一步深化感情的交融。中国和东盟国家山水相连、人缘相亲,自古以来就有着深厚的情谊。亲戚越走越亲,朋友越走越近。我们应该充分利用好各种交流平台,常见面、多交心,进一步加强对话、弥合分歧、增进共识,打牢共同发展的感情基础。中方愿同东盟一道,以明年共同举办“中国东盟人文交流年”为契机,扩大文化、旅游、培训、青年等领域合作,不断增进人民相知相亲。我们还要进一步发挥好中国-东盟博览会和进博会、广交会、服贸会、消博会等展会的作用,为双方企业搭建“永不落幕”的交流合作平台。 First, for greater amity, we need to further strengthen our affinity. Connected by mountains, waters and similar cultures, China and ASEAN countries have enjoyed a profound friendship since ancient times. Closer interaction brings greater amity to relatives and friends alike. We should fully harness the various exchange platforms to facilitate regular and candid exchanges, narrow differences and build consensus through enhanced dialogue, and cement the emotional bond for our common development. China will work with ASEAN to take the China-ASEAN Year of People-to-People Exchanges in 2024 as an opportunity to expand cooperation in culture, tourism, training and among the youth, in order to promote greater understanding and amity between our peoples. We will also make good use of CAEXPO, the China International Import Expo (CIIE), the Canton Fair, the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) and the China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), among others, to provide businesses from both sides with a longstanding platform for exchange and cooperation. 第二,更好地践行“诚”字,就是要进一步夯实信任的根基。中国古语讲,人无信不立,国无信则衰。在当前国际局势不稳定、不确定、难预料成为常态的情况下,诚实守信显得愈发珍贵。对经贸合作而言,最重要的莫过于相互之间是否讲诚信,制定的市场规则、形成的政策环境是否公平、稳定、透明、可预期。中国历来坚持以诚待人、以信取人的相处之道,一贯诚心诚意对待东盟国家,愿同东盟各国一道,重信守诺开展各领域合作,用实际行动落实好既定合作事项。这里我想再次强调,中国将坚持对外开放的基本国策,深入推进规则、规制、管理、标准等制度型开放,加大知识产权保护力度,全力维护和促进公平竞争,努力打造让各国投资者安心放心舒心的良好营商环境。 Second, for greater sincerity, we need to cement the foundation of trust. As ancient Chinese wisdom cautions, a person without credibility can’t establish himself in society, and a country without credibility will surely decline. In a world fraught with instability, uncertainty and unforeseeable factors, credibility and good faith have become all the more precious. For economic and trade cooperation, nothing is more important than being honest to each other and setting up fair, consistent, transparent and predictable market rules and policies. China believes in treating others with sincerity and integrity, and has followed this way in its relations with ASEAN countries. We hope to work with ASEAN countries to advance all-round cooperation with good faith, and deliver on our agreed cooperation programs by taking concrete actions. I wish to reiterate that China will remain committed to its fundamental state policy of opening up, deepen institutional opening up in rules, regulations, management and standards, and step up the protection of intellectual property rights. China will make every effort to protect and promote fair competition, and create an enabling business environment that provides a safe, secure and pleasant experience to investors from all countries. 第三,更好地践行“惠”字,就是要进一步拉紧利益的纽带。中国和东盟互为重要发展机遇,在分享超大规模市场、发挥经济互补优势、合理配置资源要素等方面具有广泛的共同利益。双方要实现更大发展,必须本着互惠互利的原则开展合作,编织更加紧密的共同利益网络,把利益融合提升到更高水平。中方愿继续扩大进口东盟国家优势特色产品,扩大与东盟的中间品贸易规模。发挥好国际陆海贸易新通道作用,不断提升地区互联互通水平。建设好各类合作示范园区,拓展绿色低碳、数字经济等新兴领域合作,构建更加稳定、畅通、基于比较优势的区域产业链供应链体系,巩固提升地区的整体竞争力。 Third, for greater mutual benefit, we need to strengthen the bonds of common interests. China and ASEAN provide each other with important development opportunities. We share extensive common interests in terms of accessing mega-sized markets, tapping economic complementarity and efficiently allocating resources. To achieve greater development, it is imperative that we cooperate under the principle of mutual benefit, forge an even closer network of common interests, and bring integration of interests to a higher level. China will continue to import more specialty products from ASEAN countries, and scale up trade in intermediate goods with ASEAN. We need to fully leverage the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor to upgrade regional connectivity. We need to develop various types of demonstration parks of cooperation, expand cooperation in emerging areas such as green and low-carbon development and the digital economy, and build a more stable and smooth regional industrial and supply chain system based on comparative strengths, to consolidate and raise the overall competitiveness of our region. 第四,更好地践行“容”字,就是要进一步扩展开放的胸襟。中国和东盟国家有着多元文化、多样民族,彼此之间延续千年的深度交融,让我们拥有了开放包容的共同基因。过去数十年,地区经济在一体化进程中快速增长,正是得益于各国始终以开放促合作、以包容促共赢。亚太之大,容得下大家共同发展。在世界经济复苏不稳、各国增长都面临压力的情况下,我们更要坚持开放包容,加强团结协作。中方将继续坚定支持以东盟为中心的区域合作架构,推动共建“一带一路”倡议同各国发展战略更好对接,助力东盟各国实现发展目标。中方也愿同东盟国家一道,持续推进区域经济一体化,共同实施好《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP),加快推进中国-东盟自贸区3.0版谈判,不断提升贸易投资自由化便利化水平。 Fourth, for greater inclusiveness, we need to embrace a more open mind. Both China and ASEAN countries have diverse cultures and ethnicities. Our millennial-long interactions have nurtured our common DNA of openness and inclusiveness. Over the past decades, our region has enjoyed rapid growth in the course of integration. This is made possible by our shared commitment to promoting cooperation and mutual benefit through openness and inclusiveness. The Asia-Pacific is big enough for all countries to develop together. As the global recovery remains rocky and growth across countries is under strain, it is all the more important for us to uphold openness and inclusiveness and strengthen solidarity and coordination. China will continue to firmly support the ASEAN-centered regional cooperation architecture, better synergize the Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies of other countries, and help ASEAN countries realize their development goals. China will work with ASEAN countries to advance regional economic integration, ensure good progress in the implementation of the RCEP, and accelerate negotiations on the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement 3.0, to further liberalize and facilitate trade and investment. 女士们、先生们、朋友们! Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends, 经过20年的共同努力,中国-东盟博览会、商务与投资峰会已经成长为推进区域一体化的重要平台,取得了丰硕成果。站在新的起点上,我们要继续建设好、运用好这一平台,进一步加强交流、增进感情,创造商机、共享成果,携手共建更为紧密的命运共同体,共同开创更加繁荣美好的明天。 Thanks to our collective efforts in the past two decades, CAEXPO and CABIS have grown into an important platform for regional integration, and produced fruitful results. From this new starting point, we must continue developing and making good use of the platform to reinforce exchanges, strengthen friendship, create more business opportunities and share greater benefits. Let us work together to build a closer community with a shared future and usher in a more prosperous and brighter future. 最后,预祝会议取得圆满成功! To conclude, I wish the event a full success. 谢谢大家! Thank you.